Freitag, 18. Mai 2012

Deep Sleep - Free Download

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Deep Sleep

Name: Deep Sleep
Entwickler: Color
Preis: 1,99 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 14M
Version: 1.0
minimale Android Version: 1.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Gesundheit & Fitness
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


DeepSeries - Deep Sleep

This is an hour long mp3 for inducing a deep, healthy sleep when used regularly. There are no scripts or voices in this mp3.
The Deep Sleep mp3 consists of ambient sounds and night sounds embedded with isochronic tones. The isochronic tones begin at the alpha level and gradually descend to the delta level for inducing deep sleep. The isochronic tones are heard as a continuous beating sound throughout the entire length of the mp3.
Isochronic tones need to be perceived by the brain to be beneficial.Isochronic tones don't work subliminally which is why we have deliberately made the isochronic tones pronounced and obvious to hear.The Delta level (4 hz - 0.1 hz) is normally associated with a deep dreamless sleep, trance state, and non-REM type of sleep. This can be a very rejuvenating level of sleep resulting in such benefits as increased immune functions, anti-aging, reduction of cortisol levels (a hormone associated withstress & aging), increase in dhea (anti-aging) & melantonin (decreases aging process.) Delta is the dominant brainwave in infants under one year old. Delta brainwaves have also been found in advanced meditatior's.

The Deep Sleep is embedded with isochronic tones, night sounds (crickets, and owl sounds), as well as ambient soundscapes.The mp3 begins at the alpha level of 12 hz and gradually descends for the first 30 minutes until it reaches the delta level of 1.5 hz. After descending to 1.5 hz 30 minutes into the mp3 it remains there throughout the remainder of the session.

Theta brainwaves (8 hz to 4 Hz) are present in deep meditation as well as in dreaming sleep and lucid dreaming. It is the level of the subconscious mind.
Theta is also the storehouse of creative inspiration, spiritual connection,creative insight, twilight ("sleep") learning, vivid subconscious mental imagery. Theta brainwaves have been documented in advanced meditators.
Regular visits to the theta state of mind through deep meditation can reduced blood pressure, and cure addictions. Theta is also said to reset the brain's sodium potassium levels, which cuts down on mental fatigue.

Theta is conducive to profound inner peace, "mystical truths", transforming unconsciously held limiting beliefs, physical & emotional healing, purpose of life exploration, inner wisdom, faith, meditation, some psychic abilities,& retrieving unconscious material, bursts of inspiration, reverie, high levels of awareness, vivid mental imagery. Hypnopompic & Hypnagogic states,creativity, intuition, daydreaming, fantasizing, recollection, imagery, dreamlike, switching thoughts, drowsiness; "oneness", "knowing",repository for memories, emotions, sensations.

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